
Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Unearthed Errata: Skill Tricks, Part II

by Tim Wallace

And, for my 100th post, here are the second half of the skill tricks. If you missed the first half, please check them out in Part I.

Assume Quirk
Disguise 2 ranks
Familiar viewers get no bonus to see through your disguise
Group Fake-Out
Bluff 5 ranks
Feint against multiple foes simultaneously
Never Outnumbered
Intimidate 5 ranks
Demoralize multiple foes in combat simultaneously
Second Impression
Bluff 2 ranks, Disguise 2 ranks
Make Bluff check to reestablish blown disguise
Social Recovery
Bluff 5 ranks, Diplomacy 2 ranks
Make Bluff check to replace a failed Diplomacy check
Timely Misdirection
Bluff 5 ranks
Successful feint allows you to avoid attacks of opportunity
Clever Improviser
Disable Device 2 ranks
Ignore penalty for Disable Device and Open Lock checks made without tools
Conceal Spellcasting
Sleight of Hand 2 ranks, Spellcraft 1 rank
Conceal your spellcasting from onlookers
Easy Escape
Medium or smaller size, Escape Artist 5 ranks
Gain bonus on check to escape grapple or pin
False Theurgy
Bluff or Sleight of Hand 5 ranks, Spellcraft 5 ranks
Your spell appears to be another spell of the same level
Healing Hands
Heal 2 ranks
Heal 1 damage when you stabilize a dying character
Hidden Blade
Sleight of Hand 2 ranks, Quick Draw
Draw hidden weapon as move action; treat foe as flat-footed
Mosquito’s Bite
Sleight of Hand 9 ranks
Flat-footed target does not notice damage you deal with a light weapon
Opening Tap
Disable Device 9 ranks
Open a lock as a swift action
Quick Escape
Escape Artist 9 ranks
Escape from grapple or restraints more quickly than normal
Shrouded Dance
Stealth 5 ranks, Perform (dance) 1 rank
Use move action to gain concealment for 1 round
Sudden Draw
Sleight of Hand 5 ranks, Quick Draw
Draw hidden weapon as part of attack of opportunity
Whip Climber
Climb 2 ranks, proficiency with whip
Use a whip as a grappling hook
Clarity of Vision
Perception 9 ranks
Notice invisible enemies for 1 round
Collector of Stories
Knowledge (any) 2 ranks
Gain +5 bonus on Knowledge checks to identify monsters
Listen to This
Perception 2 ranks
Perfectly repeat what you’ve recently heard
Point it Out
Perception 5 ranks
Grant ally a free Perception check to see something you’ve spotted
Spot the Weak Point
Perception 9 ranks
Make your next attack a touch attack
Swift Concentration
Spellcraft 9 ranks
Maintain concentration on spell as swift action
Acrobatic Backstab
Acrobatics 9 ranks
Move through foe’s space to render it flat-footed
Back on Your Feet
Acrobatics 9 ranks
React immediately to stand up from prone
Corner Perch
Climb 5 ranks
Perch in chimney or corner to leave hands free
Dismount Attack
Acrobatics 2 ranks, Ride 2 ranks
Make a fast dismount from moving mount to charge a foe
Escape Attack
Escape Artist 5 ranks
Make an attack the same round you escape a grapple
Extreme Leap
Acrobatics 2 ranks
Horizontal jump of at least 10 feet allows 10 extra feet of movement that round
Leaping Climber
Acrobatics 2 ranks, Climb 2 ranks
Add jump distance to start of climb
Nimble Charge
Acrobatics 2 ranks
Run or charge across difficult surface without Balance check
Nimble Stand
Acrobatics 5 ranks
Stand from prone safely
Quick Swimmer
Swim 2 ranks
Swim 10 additional feet with successful check
Slipping Past
Acrobatics 2 ranks, Escape Artist 2 ranks
Move into tight space without penalties
Speedy Ascent
Climb 2 ranks
Climb 10 additional feet with successful check
Tumbling Crawl
Acrobatics 2 ranks
Crawl 5 feet without provoking attacks of opportunity
Twisted Charge
Acrobatics 2 ranks
Make one direction change during a charge
Up the Hill
Acrobatics 2 ranks
Move up slope or stairs at normal speed
Walk the Walls
Acrobatics 2 ranks, Climb 9 ranks
Run straight up wall for 1 round
Wall Jumper
Acrobatics 2 ranks, Climb 2 ranks
Leap from wall as if making a running jump

Nimble Charge [Movement]
You maintain your balance even while running on precarious terrain.
Prerequisite: Acrobatics 2 ranks.
Benefit: You can run or charge across a difficult surface without needing to make an Acrobatics check.

Nimble Stand [Movement]
You can kip up without endangering yourself.
Prerequisite: Acrobatics 5 ranks.
Benefit: You can stand up from prone without provoking attacks of opportunity.

Opening Tap [Manipulation]
Your lock-picking skills are so superlative that you do not even need a set of tools.
Prerequisite: Disable Device 9 ranks.
Benefit: As a swift action, you can make a Disable Device check with a –10 penalty by tapping a lock with a hard, blunt object such as the pommel of a weapon. You don’t take any additional penalty for making the check without thieves’ tools. You can use this trick any number of times per day until you fail a Disable Device check made in this way  After a failure, you can’t use Opening Tap again until after you have rested for 8 hours.

Point it Out [Mental]
You can use your superior detection skills to aid an ally.
Prerequisite: Perception 5 ranks.
Benefit: When you make a successful Perception check, you can spend an immediate action to grant a single ally a free Perception check to see the same thing (with a +2 circumstance bonus)  Your ally must be within 30 feet of you and able to see or hear you to benefit from this effect.

Quick Escape [Manipulation]
You fluid motion makes it hard to maintain a hold on you.
Prerequisite: Escape Artist 9 ranks.
Benefit: This trick has two options, either of which can be used once per encounter.
You can make an Escape Artist check to escape from a grapple or pin as a swift action. You can use this trick even if you have already used a standard action on your current turn to attempt the same escape.
Alternatively, you can make any Escape Artist check that would normally require a full-round action as a move action. You can’t use this option more than once per day against the same kind of restraint.

Quick Swimmer [Movement]
You are able to swim long distances.
Prerequisite: Swim 5 ranks.
Benefit: If you succeed on a Swim check to move at least 10 feet, you can move an extra 10 feet as part of that action.

Second Impression [Interaction]
Your bravado is convincing even when someone sees through your disguise.
Prerequisite: Bluff 2 ranks, Disguise 2 ranks.
Benefit: If an observer sees through your disguise with a successful Perception check, you can (as an immediate action) attempt a Bluff check to convince him that he’s mistaken. Use the observer’s Perception check result as the DC for your Bluff check; if you succeed, the observer ignores the evidence of his own senses in favor of what your disguise attempts to show.
You must be aware of the observer’s discovery in order to use this trick; for example, you can’t use it against someone viewing you secretly, nor can you use it against someone who sees through your disguise but keeps that information secret. When in doubt, the GM should allow a character to use this trick if she has any reason to fear that her cover has been blown.
You can use this trick only once per day, but its effect extends to all viewers within 30 feet of you. For example, you could attempt it against an entire patrol of guards confronting you just as effectively as against a single person.
This trick doesn’t let you maintain a disguise that has been defeated by other means; for example, if your disguise self spell is penetrated by a true seeing spell, Second Impression won’t help.

Shrouded Dance [Manipulation]
Your quick footwork can make you difficult to hit.
Prerequisite: Stealth 5 ranks, Perform (dance) 1 rank.
Benefit: As a move action, you can attempt a DC 20 Stealth check. If you succeed, you have concealment until the start of your next turn.

Social Recovery [Interaction]
Your tongue gets you out of trouble as often as it gets you into it.
Prerequisite: Bluff 5 ranks, Diplomacy 2 ranks.
Benefit: If your Diplomacy check to influence an NPC’s attitude fails, you can spend another full round talking to the NPC, then make a Bluff check with a –10 penalty. Use the result of this check in place of the Diplomacy check result, except that it can’t improve the NPC’s attitude by more than one step.
Once you use this skill trick (successfully or not), you cannot use it against the same target again for 24 hours.

Slipping Past [Movement]
You are adept at flowing through narrow spaces.
Prerequisite: Acrobatics 2 ranks, Escape Artist 2 ranks.
Benefit: As a swift action, you can ignore the additional movement cost and penalty on attack rolls and to AC when squeezing through a narrow space. The benefit lasts until the start of your next turn.

Speedy Ascent [Movement]
You are able to climb long distances.
Prerequisite: Climb 2 ranks.
Benefit: If you succeed on a Climb check to move at least 10 feet, you can move an extra 10 feet as part of that action.

Spot the Weak Point [Mental]
Your acute sight allows you to find the weak points in your opponent’s defense.
Prerequisite: Perception 9 ranks.
Benefit: As a standard action, you can attempt a Perception check to find a weakness in your opponent’s defenses. The DC of this check equals the opponent’s AC. If the check succeeds, your next attack against that opponent (which must be made no later than your next turn) is treated as a touch attack.
If you use a ranged weapon to deliver the attack, your opponent must be within 30 feet of you in order for you to benefit from the trick.

Sudden Draw [Manipulation]
You can surprise your enemies with unseen weapons.
Prerequisite: Sleight of Hand 5 ranks, Quick Draw.
Benefit: If an opponent provokes an attack of opportunity from you, you can draw a weapon that you have successfully concealed using Sleight of Hand as an immediate action to deliver the attack of opportunity with that weapon. That opponent is treated as flat-footed against the attack with the concealed weapon.

Swift Concentration [Mental]
Your mental focus does not preclude other actions.
Prerequisite: Spellcraft 9 ranks.
Benefit: You can maintain concentration on a spell or similar effect as a swift action.

Timely Misdirection [Interaction]
By baiting your opponent you deny him any extra attacks.
Prerequisite: Bluff 5 ranks.
Benefit: If you succeed on a Bluff check to feint in combat, your opponent can’t make any attacks of opportunity against you until the start of its next turn. This effect is in addition to the normal benefits of a successful feint.

Tumbling Crawl [Movement]
When knocked down you know how to roll to avoid danger.
Prerequisite: Acrobatics 2 ranks.
Benefit: By succeeding on a DC 15 Acrobatics check, you can crawl 5 feet as a move action without provoking attacks of opportunity. Crawling normally provokes attacks of opportunity from any attackers who threaten you at any point during your crawl.

Twisted Charge [Movement]
You don’t need to move in a straight line to perform a charge attack.
Prerequisite: Acrobatics 2 ranks.
Benefit: When you charge, you can make one turn of up to 90 degrees during your movement. You can’t move more than your speed as part of this charge. All other restrictions on charges still apply, and you must have line of sight to the opponent at the start of your turn.

Up the Hill [Movement]
You are sure-footed like a goat.
Prerequisite: Acrobatics 2 ranks.
Benefit: You can move up a steep slope or stairs at your normal speed instead of at half speed. This effect lasts for 1 round.

Walk the Walls [Movement]
You can briefly deny the laws of gravity.
Prerequisite: Acrobatics 2 ranks, Climb 9 ranks.
Benefit: You can move up a wall without making a Climb check. Each 5 feet of vertical movement costs you 4 squares of movement, and you must begin and end your turn on a horizontal surface.

Wall Jumper [Movement]
You use the momentum from climbing walls to aid your jumps.
Prerequisite: Acrobatics 2 ranks, Climb 2 ranks.
Benefit: If you have succeeded on a Climb check to ascend or descend a wall during this or your previous turn, you can leap horizontally from that wall as if you had a running start.

Whip Climber [Manipulation]
You are wise in the way of whips.
Prerequisite: Climb 2 ranks, proficiency with a whip.
Benefit: You can use a whip as a makeshift grappling hook, lashing it around a protrusion or other firm, weight-bearing object in order to climb a wall or swing across a chasm. You make Climb checks using the whip as if it were a normal rope. Using this trick requires a ranged attack roll as normal for securing a grappling hook but takes only a move action.

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