
Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Arcane Trapper (Arcanist Archetype)

by Tim Wallace

Arcane Trapper (Arcanist Archetype)
Unlike other trap “experts,” the arcane trapper has mastered the construction and deconstruction of all traps; mundane, magical, and supernatural.

Class Skills: An arcane trapper adds Disable Device and Perception to her list of class skills in addition to the normal arcanist class skills.

Diminished Spellcasting: An arcane trapper may cast one fewer spell of each level than normal. If this reduces the number to 0, she may cast spells of that level only if her Intelligence allows bonus spells of that level.

Trapfinding: An arcane trapper adds 1/2 her arcanist level on Perception checks made to locate traps and on Disable Device skill checks (minimum +1). An arcane trapper can use Disable Device to disarm magic traps.

Exploits: At 1st level, an arcane trapper can select from the following exploits in addition to the normal arcanist exploits.

Quicken Spell Traps: An arcane trapper with this exploit reduces the casting time of all magical trap spells (such as explosive runes, fire trap, or the various symbol spells) by one step (i.e. a 10  minute casting time becomes 1 minute, a 1 minute casting time becomes 1 round, or a 1 round casting time becomes 1 standard action). This cannot reduce the casting time of a magical trap spell below 1 standard action. The arcanist must have the trap focus or trap study exploit to select this exploit.

Trap Focus: An arcane trapper with this exploit adds +1 to the DC of any magical trap spell (such as explosive runes, fire trap, or the various symbol spells) she casts.

Trap Study: An arcane trapper with this exploit adds the following spells to the list of available spells for her to learn from scrolls or upon leveling up: glyph of warding, greater glyph of warding, and spike stones.

Trap: At 5th level, an arcane trapper learns how to create a snare trap and one other ranger trap of her choice. The arcane trapper counts her total arcanist level as her ranger level for the purpose of determining the effects of her traps. The DCs for Perception checks to notice the trap, Disable Device checks to disable it, and for saving throws to avoid it are equal to 10 + 1/2 the arcane trapper's level + the arcane trapper's Intelligence modifier. At 7th level and every two levels thereafter, she learns another trap. The arcane trapper can use these traps a total number of times per day equal to 1/2 her arcanist level + her Intelligence modifier. Once a trap is learned, it can’t be unlearned and replaced with a different type of trap. The arcane trapper cannot select an individual trap more than once.

Greater Exploits: At 11th level, can select from the following greater exploits in addition to the normal arcanist greater exploits.

Greater Quicken Spell Traps: An arcane trapper with this exploit reduces the casting time of all magical trap spells (such as explosive runes, fire trap, or the various symbol spells) by two steps (i.e. a 10  minute casting time becomes 1 round and a 1 minute casting time becomes 1 standard action). This cannot reduce the casting time of a magical trap spell below 1 standard action. The arcanist must have the quicken spell traps exploit to select this exploit.

Launch Trap: An arcane trapper with this exploit can affix a magical ranger or spell trap to an arrow, crossbow bolt, or thrown weapon, allowing her to set the trap remotely or use it as a direct attack. Attaching the trap to the projectile is part of the full-round action of creating a new ranger trap or the casting time of the spell trap. The trapped projectile is fired or thrown in the normal manner. If fired at a square, the trap is treated as if the ranger had set the trap in that square, except the DC is 5 lower than normal. If fired at a creature, the target takes damage from the ranged weapon and is treated as if it had triggered the trap (saving throw applies, if any). The attack has a maximum range of 60 feet, and range increments apply to the attack roll. The duration of the trapped projectile starts from when it is created, not from when it is used.

List of spell traps.
1st level—alarm, sunder breaker

† spell may only be learned if the arcanist has the trap study arcane exploit.

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